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Early Bird
The show must stream on
May 28, 2020
Learn about the differences between meetings and live events in Microsoft Teams.
Catching up with Roadrunners Athletics
May 28, 2020
See how coaches and student-athletes are staying active and engaged via social media.
Guidance for MSU Denver-funded travel through December
May 28, 2020
Trips remain heavily restricted as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Alum Danny Quatrochi wins scholarship named for 9/11 pilot
May 28, 2020
Quatrochi is the 27th Roadrunner to win the Capt. Jason Dahl Scholarship, named for the pilot of United Airlines Flight 93 that was hijacked Sept. 11, 2001.
Updated guidance on campus access
May 27, 2020
MSU Denver employees should continue to work from home. More details on a broader return to campus will be available soon.
Davidson advocates for higher ed on Bell Policy Center podcast
May 27, 2020
MSU Denver president discusses history of disinvestment in higher education and notes that communal action is necessary in this time of crisis.
Faculty Citings
May 27, 2020
An overview of MSU Denver faculty’s recent publications and presentations.
Get on your bikes and ride, Roadrunners!
May 27, 2020
Joining the Road Riders Bicycle Club is a great way to exercise and practice social distancing while supporting the Student Emergency Fund.
Voluntary staff budget reductions addressed at town hall
May 26, 2020
Leaders spoke to questions and concerns related to new options for furlough, leave of absence, transitional retirement and more.
Get training, support for summer and fall courses ASAP
May 26, 2020
Online preparation in Blackboard and Canvas is essential for faculty.
Visible donates 250 tablets to MSU Denver
May 26, 2020
The Denver-based wireless company is providing free devices and services to Roadrunners through April 2021.
MSU Denver signs MOU with Colorado School of Mines
May 26, 2020
The Graduate Transfer Articulation Agreement will allow Advanced Manufacturing Sciences students to complete graduate degrees at Mines.
New faculty trustee: Bethany Fleck Dillen
May 26, 2020
Fleck Dillen believes that a strong and supported faculty will lead to academic excellence and improve the University’s ability to support students.
MSU Denver welcomes Todd Thurman as director of Athletics
May 22, 2020
The former professional athlete and coach led the athletic program at Southwestern Oklahoma State University for 12 years.
President’s Cabinet recap
May 21, 2020
The meeting covered budget updates and presentations from the Transfer Process Task Force and the Culture and Workplace Council.
Voluntary budget-reduction options for employees
May 21, 2020
President Davidson announces pay reduction for senior execs, as well as voluntary separation incentive, furlough and leave options for employees; follow-up town hall today at 3 p.m.
President Davidson joins discussion on the state of higher ed
May 21, 2020
Chronicle of Higher Education panel covers COVID-19’s effects on learning, budgets and leaders’ ability to plan.
Celebrate Global Accessibility Awareness Day
May 21, 2020
Today marks the 9th annual GAAD, dedicated to web access for people with disabilities.
Outdated email clients going out of support this month
May 21, 2020
Changes to Microsoft’s email-authentication methods will require the use of up-to-date email clients.
How to connect with Roadrunners Safe Return Committee
May 21, 2020
See which member of the team will serve as your point of contact so you can plug in to the process.
Town hall on voluntary budget-reduction options for employees
May 20, 2020
The virtual meeting on Thursday will offer additional information on Human Resources announcements made during today’s meeting of the President’s Cabinet.
Meet Maral Khorsandzadeh
May 20, 2020
The health-career navigator helps students explore a variety of professional paths and get valuable real-world experience.
Introducing Birdfeeder
May 20, 2020
Find recipes, fun and games, news and more on the Alumni Association’s new blog.
Blackboard Learn update Sunday
May 20, 2020
Blackboard will be unavailable until maintenance is complete.
When will we be back on campus?
May 19, 2020
Roadrunners Safe Return Committee to facilitate coordinated and collaborative effort to bring community back to campus.
Attend the virtual meeting of the President’s Cabinet
May 19, 2020
The meeting will include the latest updates from President Davidson and presentations on campus initiatives and policies.
Tips for staying connected to graduating Roadrunners
May 19, 2020
The Alumni Relations team offers advice for ongoing student and alumni engagement in an increasingly virtual landscape.
Jenn Capps, Ph.D., accepts provost position at Humboldt State University
May 18, 2020
Capps served MSU Denver as dean of the College of Professional Studies and professor of Criminal Justice and Criminology.
Ombuds Office offers virtual drop-in lunch-and-learn discussions
May 19, 2020
Each Wednesday, discuss topics such as tips for email protocol, finding focus while working from home and more.
Employee Tuition Benefit summer deadline extended
May 18, 2020
Submit your application by Friday.
Policy never sleeps … so you can
May 18, 2020
Advisory Council recommends procedures on social media and staff leave.
Met Media wants to hear your COVID-19 story
May 18, 2020
The student media organization invites Roadrunners to submit stories, photos, audio clips and more to chronicle the pandemic experience.
A new way to engage students in course readings
May 18, 2020
The group annotation tool Hypothesis allows students to collaborate, connect and interact more meaningfully with content.
MSU Denver faculty in the media
May 18, 2020
Members share their expertise with the community.
Handling Incomplete grades in Blackboard
May 14, 2020
Learn how to keep your Blackboard content available for students who need more time.
MSU Denver establishes Dreamer Emergency Fund
May 14, 2020
The fund aims to raise at least $300,000 to support DACA and undocumented students excluded from CARES Act aid.
New event details for Roadrunners Who Soar
May 14, 2020
There’s still time to nominate staff and faculty members for three significant awards.
OWOW Center launches video series
May 14, 2020
The weekly episodes look at water issues through the lens of history, agriculture, sustainability and more.
Banner maintenance in May
May 14, 2020
See what events are scheduled this month.
SGA election results
May 13, 2020
Students support referendums and name new leaders.
Updating MSU Denver’s file-storage solutions
May 13, 2020
ITS leads an initiative to make storing files more convenient and secure.
Virtual dialogue on Ahmaud Arbery tragedy
May 13, 2020
Roadrunners will gather online today from 3-4:30 p.m. to process and support one another in grieving Arbery, an African American man shot to death while jogging in Brunswick, Georgia.
Faculty Senate recap
May 13, 2020
Welcomes and farewells, elections and end-of-year committee reports cap off the last meeting of the semester.
Professors earn high marks in remote teaching
May 12, 2020
With the support of the CTLD, ITS and Online Learning teams, educators and students are persevering through the pandemic.
Arrivals and departures
May 12, 2020
Welcome to new faculty and staff; farewell to those moving on to new opportunities.
Register for Roadrunners Virtual Colfax Weekend
May 12, 2020
Stretch your quads and lace up your running shoes to support the Student Emergency Fund.
Staff Senate invites participation in shared governance
May 12, 2020
Today’s meeting will include important updates and provide the opportunity to have your voice heard.
Protocol for one-time campus access
May 11, 2020
The Administration office offers more information on approvals, self-assessment and protocols.
BOT Finance Committee meeting focused on budget concerns
May 11, 2020
Trustees were briefed on the financial impact of COVID-19 on state and University budgets Thursday, primed to act as needed.
A refresher on spring grading options
May 11, 2020
Faculty are encouraged to contact students to explain the Pass/Fail, Withdrawal and Incomplete options.
UPDATED: Work continues on Steam to Natural Gas Project
May 11, 2020
Improvements across multiple campus buildings will result in operational impacts throughout the summer.
Three campus services to resume limited operations
May 7, 2020
The Auraria Early Learning Center, Tivoli Brewing Co. and Starbucks will offer limited services while observing safety and social distancing.
Second athletic-director candidate to visit virtually Friday
May 7, 2020
Todd Thurman will participate in online forums with University stakeholders.
Maintaining community during a pandemic
May 7, 2020
Thirsty for a Strong Instructional Practice?
Administer online exams using ProctorU
May 7, 2020
Student information is kept safe and secure with this online exam-proctoring service.
First athletic director candidate virtual visit Thursday
May 6, 2020
Candidate Michelle C. Morgan will participate in online forums with University stakeholders.
MSU Denver continues to stand up for students
May 6, 2020
University leaders advocate for DACA, increased funding and lawmakers’ support of policies that will improve higher education and student success.
On-campus events suspended through July 31
May 6, 2020
The tri-institutional decision will further protect the campus community from the spread of COVID-19.
Congratulations to the 2020 Distinguished Service Award winners
May 6, 2020
President Davidson recognizes five exemplary employees during the virtual Roadrunner Appreciation Day.
May 6, 2020
This month, the Early Bird shines a spotlight on award-winning, community-changing students and alumni.
Attend the final Faculty Senate meeting of the year
May 5, 2020
On Wednesday, the group will vote on officer positions and vacant at-large committee seats.
Faculty motivations for using open educational resources
May 5, 2020
OER use builds options and equity into online learning.
MSU Denver finds creative ways to welcome new students
May 5, 2020
The digital Roadrunner Graduation Party Pack allows incoming students to celebrate their high school graduation and their move to the University.
Changes to PERA contributions coming soon
May 5, 2020
Member and employer contributions will increase beginning July 1.
Nutrition Department opens door for CCD students
May 4, 2020
A new campus partnership is paving the way for CityHawks to become Roadrunners.
New teaching resources for faculty
May 4, 2020
Get Ready to show students the possibilities of online learning.
Finalists for athletic-director position to meet campus community this week
May 4, 2020
Two final candidates will participate in virtual forums with University groups Thursday and Friday.
Attend the Honors Thesis Symposium on Friday
May 4, 2020
The event will be hosted through Teams and livestreamed via YouTube.
Departments are encouraged to schedule mail pickup
May 4, 2020
The Administration Branch offers updated guidance and instructions for retrieving deliveries from AHEC Distribution Services.
MSU Denver STEM programs participate in video showcase
May 5, 2020
Learn more about a collaborative effort to engage students and educators in the STEM fields.
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