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Policy never sleeps … so you can

Advisory Council recommends procedures on social media and staff leave.

By Megan Jones

May 18, 2020

MSU Denver exterior signMetropolitan State University of Denver Policy Advisory Council members continue to do their important work remotely during the COVID-19 shutdown. The council recently reviewed and voted to recommend a new President’s Social Media Policy, along with revisions to the President’s Sick Leave Policy for MSU Denver’s exempt administrators and staff.

Social Media Policy

Sponsored by the Office of Strategy, Marketing and Communications, this policy defines the rules and procedures for the creation and use of official MSU Denver social-media sites in accordance with federal and state laws and other University policies, such as employee and student conduct, free expression, information privacy and intellectual property. The policy creates an administrative framework for managing the proliferation of social-media profiles established in the MSU Denver name and as part of University-sponsored activities and programs.

Administrator/Staff Sick Leave Policy

Sponsored by the Office of Human Resources, this revision broadens the definition of “immediate family member” to include domestic partners, in-laws and stepfamily (consistent with State of Colorado personnel rules) and allows exempt administrators and staff to use existing sick leave to care for the health of these additional family members.

President’s Cabinet discussion

These policies are slated for discussion Wednesday at the President’s Cabinet meeting for approval by President Janine Davidson, Ph.D. Tune in to Cabinet via livestream to listen to the discussion.

Create or change a University policy

If your office plans to sponsor a Universitywide administrative policy for review by the MSU Denver Policy Advisory Council, please complete the following steps:

  1. Visit the Policy Development Webpage.
  2. Fill out the policy-proposal template.
  3. Submit the proposal via email to the policy administrator in the President’s Office.

Join the conversation

In the spirit of inclusive leadership, MSU Denver’s Policy Advisory Council is open to all interested students, staff and faculty. To learn more about the proposed policies or policy development, please contact Policy Administrator Megan Jones at or 303-605-5231.

Topics: Events, Human Resources, Policy, Policy Update, Social Media

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