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Editorial Guidelines

The Early Bird is the official means of communication for Metropolitan State University of Denver

  1. Submissions for consideration must be sent to one week prior to inclusion in the Early Bird publication.
  2. Incomplete submissions will not be published or posted.
  3. Content sent to the Early Bird bulletin is subject to review and editing to fit the criteria outlined in these guidelines.
  4. Individuals who submit information for the Early Bird must ensure the accuracy, timeliness and reliability of the submitted material.
  5. Messages for the Early Bird will be brief, with a headline, subhead and links.
  6. In order to be more useful, all submission requests must include contact information, including name, telephone number, email address and website links for readers to obtain further detailed information and clarification.
  7. Fliers, solicitations and commercial advertisements will not be included.
  8. Messages with a particular political perspective or that are political in nature will not be published.


Categories for the Early Bird

  1. Time sensitive links will include reminders for commencement-related activities, parking permit registration and adverse weather or university closure information. Faculty and staff must send submissions to
  2. We will also have official messages from key institutional areas for faculty and staff members.
  3. Appropriate items for the Early Bird include activities or announcements that are of interest to the University community as a whole. These include surveys, community events, family-oriented activities and early registration for summer camps.
  4. Academic items include calls for papers and posters and registration information for academic conferences. Faculty and staff must send submissions to
  5. The Early Bird will feature a highlighted Event of the Week, curated from the MSU Denver Calendar of Events. To have your event considered for inclusion, it must first be entered into the official University Calendar. Because of the high volume of submissions, events are not featured more than once. Events for the same center/department/office may also not be featured more than once in a two-month period.
  6. Events or speaking engagements that are held outside of MSU Denver or are not sponsored by an official University entity will not be published.
  7. If space is tight in the bulletin, events that have a wider appeal and will attract larger audiences will be given preference over smaller events and gatherings.
  8. Please provide an updated link to a page about your event in your submission form to provide readers with more information.

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