Early Bird
Attend the Honors Thesis Symposium on Friday
The event will be hosted through Teams and livestreamed via YouTube.
By Lindsey Coulter
May 4, 2020
The Metropolitan State University of Denver community is invited to support graduating honors students by attending the virtual Honors Thesis Symposium. The symposium will be hosted on Teams and will be available via livestream on YouTube, and organizers are striving to make the event as accessible as possible.
Events hosted from 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
+1 720-577-5242 United States, Denver (Toll)
Conference ID: 804 682 371#
Attendees will be invited to participate in panel sessions by submitting questions to the chat on Teams or on the YouTube livestream. Attendees are encouraged to engage with the presenting students during the Q&A portion to maintain the event’s tradition of rich dialogue and idea-sharing. Organizers request that attendees keep their microphones muted unless they are participating during the panel Q&As.
At 11:30 a.m., the Honors Program will also host an online celebration to honor graduates and their advisors.
“This group of students has done a great job continuing to pursue their projects in spite of the pandemic,” said Megan Hughes-Zarzo, Ph.D., director, Honors Program. “I’m excited to recognize and celebrate their hard work on these projects and give them the best send-off possible in the current situation.”
Honors Thesis Symposium Program:
9-10 a.m.
Panel 1: Exploring Public Health: Mosquitos, Melanoma and Traditional Chinese Medicine
Panelist: Kaylee Mackenzie
Using a Two-port Olfactometer to Determine the Ideal Attractants for Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti Mosquito Species
Advisor: Robert Hancock, Ph.D., professor, Biology
Panelist: Deisy Rosales
Traditional Chinese Medicine as an Alternative to Treating Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis in Children
Advisor: James Gilchrist, N.D., Integrative Health Care
Panelist: Sophia Nem
Early Detection of Acral and Subungual Melanoma: A Proposal on Education Protocols for Increasing Awareness and Referral Patterns in Nail Salons
Primary Advisor: Rachel Sinley, Ph.D., assistant professor, Nutrition
Second Reader: Doug Petcoff, Ph.D., professor, Biology
10:15-11:15 a.m.
Panel 2: Reclaiming Heritage: Interracial Adoption, Mayan Linguistics and Indigenous Literature
Panelist: Liam Price
Vowels and Culture: A Sociophonetic Analysis of Ch’orti’ Mayan
Advisor: Andrew Pantos, Ph.D., associate professor, English
Second Readers: Rebecca Forgash, Ph.D., associate director, Honors Program, professor, Sociology and Anthropology; Richard Sandoval, Ph.D., assistant professor, Sociology and Anthropology
Panelist: Shayla Bischoff
Go Smudge Yourself: Empowering Indigenous Youth Through Young Adult Literature
Primary Advisor: Ella Marie Ray, Ph.D., associate professor, African American Studies
Second Readers: David Heska Wanbli Weiden, J.D., Ph.D., associate professor, Political Science; James Aubrey, Ph.D., English
Panelist: Jeancasia Nolen
An Analysis of the Consequences of Interracial Adoption in America
Reader: Megan Hughes-Zarzo, Ph.D., director, Honors Program
11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
Celebration Ceremony and break for lunch
1:15-2 p.m.
Panel 3: A Beginner’s Guide to Designing a Library: What Rhetoric and the Creation of the Universe Have in Common
Panelist: Anna Erickson
Spatial Rhetoric in Relation to Industrial and Interior Design
Advisor: Amy Kern, assistant professor, Industrial Design
Panelist: Colton Lee
The Infinite Predicate of God
2:15-3 p.m.
Panel 4: It’s a Dirty World: Who’s Going to Clean it Up?
Panelist: Sara Dahabreh
A Program Analysis to Assess the Effectiveness of the Paris Climate Agreement: Comparing Outcomes and Processes of Two Case Studies, China and Ethiopia
Advisor: Andrew Thangasamy, Ph.D., associate director, Political Science
Panelist: Nick Sundstrom
Can Golf Lessons Help Save the Environment?
Advisor: Sarah Schliemann, Ph.D., lecturer, Environmental Science
3:15-4 p.m.
Panel 5: The Profit Motive, Deregulation and their Impacts on Aviation and Private Prisons
Panelist: JayAnn Villalobos
Inmates for Profit
Primary Advisor: Andrea Borrego, Ph.D., assistant professor, Criminal Justice and Criminology
Second Reader: Barbara Koehler, J.D., senior lecturer, Criminal Justice and Criminology
Panelist: Steven Luu
Re-Regulate the Deregulated Aviation Era?
Advisor: James Simmons, Ph.D., J.D., professor, Aviation and Aerospace Science
Topics: Academics, Events, Excellence, Honors Program, Save the date
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