Early Bird
What’s new in policy
Advisory Council members will discuss a proposed policy on protecting minors and share updates on policies in progress at their meeting Thursday.
By Megan Jones
August 19, 2020
The Metropolitan State University of Denver Policy Advisory Council meets Thursday at 11 a.m. Council members are kicking off the academic year by discussing a proposed policy on protecting children and minors who participate in University programs and activities, such as summer camps, conferences or cooking classes.
Council members will also provide updates on several policies in the works, including:
- Employee appointment and recruitment
- Loaning of University property, such as laptops or cameras, to students
- Electronic records and signatures
To join the meeting:
11 a.m.-noon
+1 720-577-5242 United States, Denver (toll)
Conference ID: 150 033 313#
The Policy Advisory Council is open to all members of the University community, and council leadership welcomes your perspective. Please contact Megan Jones, policy administrator, at webbme@msudenver.edu with questions on policy development or to learn more about the council.
Topics: Community, Events, Inclusive leadership, Policy, Policy Update, Save the date
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