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News from the Auraria Library

Learn more about the library’s commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion as well as phased-reopening plans.

By Lindsey Coulter

July 8, 2020

Auraria LibraryThe Auraria Library is a vital resource and partner to the Auraria Campus community. Library staff recently issued statements regarding equity, diversity and inclusion as well as details on a safe, phased reopening.

Auraria Library Statement Regarding Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

“We’re proud to have always provided resources on the history and impact of racism in our country,” said Alexander Freedman, head of communications for the Auraria Library. “We reaffirm this commitment and reinforce it with additional planned actions.”

In the statement, library staff declare support for and solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement and reaffirm that libraries are not neutral spaces.

“We recognize that American libraries are historically rooted in white supremacy, and we are often complicit in upholding this history,” staff wrote. “We want (the) Auraria Library to be a place where our users are welcome, safe, and free from harm or discrimination, and we realize that in order to achieve this goal, we must take action.”

Auraria Library senior leadership will develop an action plan with measurable goals to ensure accountability. This process will include reviewing library purchases, vendors, resource descriptions, information services, recruitment and hiring processes, and the library’s relationship with law enforcement.

Auraria Library Safe Return Plan

Library users also can find more information on the library’s phased-reopening plan, which prioritizes the health and well-being of Auraria Campus students, faculty and staff. Library leaders will continuously assess safety during each phase and will proceed to the next phase once certain conditions are met. Phases are subject to change based on Auraria Campus policies and the evolving impacts of COVID-19.

As a first step in the reopening process, the Auraria Library’s 10th Street book drop reopened Monday and will be available weekly between Monday at 10 a.m. and Friday at 3 p.m. The library will also begin grab-to-go services to lend print materials and open the Library Café with limited access only for Auraria Campus students, faculty and staff Aug. 17.

To learn more, please reference the FAQs on the Auraria Library Safe Return Plan website.

Topics: Auraria Library, Diversity, Health, Inclusion, Safety

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