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Critical new policy established

Communicable-diseases policy to ensure compliance with on-campus health and safety guidelines.

July 20, 2020

Policy statementHealth and safety protocols are effective only if everyone follows them.

A new policy approved by President Janine Davidson, Ph.D., gives Metropolitan State University of Denver another tool to enforce compliance with the institution’s campus health protocols. The interim policy aims to ensure the safety of the limited number of faculty, staff and students approved to be on campus for the remainder of the summer, as well as during the fall semester.  

“Simple steps such as wearing a face covering and maintaining 6 feet of social distance will go a long way in making sure we can keep face-to-face classes operational for the entire fall semester,” said Chief Operating Officer Larry Sampler. “The communicable-disease policy allows us to use our current disciplinary processes to enforce consequences for those who don’t comply with the guidelines.”

Sampler noted that while there will be relatively few people on campus this fall, with only 15% of the University’s classes happening in a face-to-face format, it is critical that every Roadrunner do their part to mitigate the risk of spreading the coronavirus. He emphasized the importance of acting with compassion to protect fellow students and co-workers, their families and friends, and the downtown Denver community.

He also acknowledged the differing opinions that people may have about what could be seen as “restrictions” but expressed faith in the community to take care of one another.

Guidelines for Roadrunners before and during their time on campus

  • Perform this health assessment each day. This is by far the most important preventive measure we can take to support our community. If you are not feeling well or have any of the symptoms listed in the assessment, do not come to campus.

  • If you answer “yes” to any of the symptoms/circumstances listed on that webpage, call the Health Center at Auraria at 303-615-9999. A medical provider will assess your health and advise you on next steps. Do not come to campus until you are medically cleared to do so.

  • Wear a face covering (mask or face shield) on campus when in the presence of others. 
  • Wash your hands frequently or use hand sanitizer on the way in and out of buildings.
  • Follow signage for designated entrances and exits.
  • Minimize touching of surfaces.  
  • Maintain physical distancing of at least 6 feet.   
  • No food-based events or gatherings.  
  • Limit time on campus as much as possible and comply with posted signage in common areas.
  • Wipe down work surfaces often but at least at the start and end of your time on campus with disinfectant and paper towels. Disinfectant will be available in classrooms.
  • Comply with occupancy limits posted on elevators; maintain physical distancing if using the stairs.
  • Bring your campus photo ID to access buildings. If you do not have a campus photo ID, the bookstore will be open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. to issue IDs. Additionally, you can call this number to set up an appointment: 303-556-8352.

This information and much more are available on the Roadrunners Safe Return website, including forms to request one-time or recurring campus access.

Topics: Administration, Health, Policy, Safety

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