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When can you get back on campus?

Employees can request recurring access to campus through new process; one-time access still available.

By Dan Vaccaro

June 29, 2020

Aerial image of Auraria Campus; MSU Denver is committed to providing updates on the University community’s Safe Return to Campus. Stay tuned to the Early Bird and Safe Return to Campus website for the latest information as we work to ensure the health and safety of every Roadrunner while also fulfilling our essential educational mission. 

As of Wednesday, most Metropolitan State University of Denver employees are still working from home and are encouraged to continue doing so. With few exceptions, employees are not required to report to campus for work.

That said, MSU Denver also recognizes that there are some employees who may need one-time or recurring access to campus. Those Roadrunners can request access via the following processes.  

One-time access process

For faculty, staff and student employees who need to collect work-related or personal items from a workspace, please allow one to three business days for verification.

  • Review request with your supervisor. 
  • Submit request via this form.  
  • Facilities Department verifies access requested, then sends follow-up email to supervisor and requestor with information on required Safe Return Protocols and Expectations (see below). 
  • Requestor works with supervisor to schedule time to ensure no overlap of employees in department. 

Recurring return-to-work process

For faculty, staff and student employees who want to return to campus repeatedly for the purpose of resuming duties in some capacity, please allow five business days for review and verification. 

  • Requesting supervisor or department head completes Unit Plan Information Form with Employee List  and submits form to Roadrunner Safe Return committee contact Sharon Lorince by email at
  • Roadrunner Safe Return routes request through MSU Denver Facilities Department and the Auraria Higher Education Center to review facility readiness and verify ID access.  
  • RSR contact notifies requesting department of approval or need for clarification. 
  • Requesting department verifies that returning employees will comply with required Safe Return Protocols and Expectations (see below).   

Required hygiene protocols

These protocols were developed to protect the health and safety of all Roadrunners. Please keep in mind that this is a shared responsibility. Each of us needs to act with a spirit of generosity and do our part to keep our community healthy.  

  • Perform a health assessment daily before coming to campus (see below).  
  • Wear a face covering (mask or face shield) at all times on campus when in the presence of others. 
  • Wash your hands frequently or use hand sanitizer on the way in and out of buildings.
  • Follow signage for designated entrances and exits.
  • Minimize touching of surfaces.  
  • Maintain physical distancing of at least 6 feet.   
  • No food-based events or gatherings will be allowed.  
  • Limit time on campus as much as possible and comply with posted signage in common areas.
  • For employees, wipe down work surfaces often but at least at the start and end of your time on campus with disinfectant and paper towels. Disinfectant will be available in classrooms.
  • Comply with occupancy limits posted on elevators; maintain physical distancing if using the stairs.

Required daily health assessment 

Each member of the campus community is required to perform this self-assessment prior to leaving home. If you are not feeling well or have any of the following symptoms, please do not come to campus.

If you answer "yes" to any of the following symptoms/circumstances, please call the Health Center at Auraria at 303-615-9999 for a phone consultation. A medical provider will assess your health status and advise you as to next steps. Do not come to campus until you are medically cleared to do so. 

Do you have any of the following symptoms?

  • Fever or elevated body temperature (100.4 degrees or higher)
  • New cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Runny nose
  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • Muscle pain/body aches
  • Nausea/vomiting/diarrhea
  • Loss of sense of taste or smell
  • Chills and/or repeated shaking with chills

Situational questions

  • Have you had direct contact with a person with COVID-19 in the past 14 days? 
  • In the past two weeks, have you worked or volunteered at a health-care facility?
  • Were you diagnosed with a positive case of COVID-19 in the past 30 days?

Topics: Access, Administration, Health, Safety

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