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New students to participate in online orientation

The Orientation, Transition and Retention team is working to provide programs and services in a virtual environment.

April 15, 2020

Student sitting near Confluence Park while working on tablet.Metropolitan State University of Denver’s orientation program does more than simply introduce students to University life; it’s also a valuable transition and retention tool. To continue this necessary service, the Orientation, Transition and Retention team is quickly working to provide programs and services in a virtual environment.

“The orientation program is a critical method in getting our incoming students registered for courses and connected with necessary resources,” said Megan Scherzberg, Ph.D., director, Orientation, Transition and Retention. “As transitioning an on-campus program to an online environment typically takes close to a year to coordinate, we greatly appreciate the flexibility, efficiency and collaboration of various MSU Denver offices as we create a new virtual experience in a matter of weeks.”

How the orientation program is adapting

  • While the orientation format is shifting, all new students should continue to visit the program website to sign up for a session.
    • First-time-to-college students must participate in a virtual orientation, while transfer students have the option to participate in a virtual orientation or complete a self-guided session.
  • Students who sign up to attend the virtual program will receive academic advising and register for classes as part of the experience.
  • The OTR team will also offer virtual Family Orientation (in English) and Orientación Familiar (in Spanish) programs. Watch your email or the OTR website for more information.

Working with campus partners

Academic advisors, faculty and other staff support will be crucial in piloting this new virtual orientation structure, according to Scherzberg, and the OTR team will continue to work closely with academic partners.

  • If your office or department sends out orientation-related communications to students, please update those communications to reflect the virtual program experience and continue to direct students to the orientation website to sign up.
  • Please communicate these updates to your teams, specifically front-line staff who are answering questions from incoming students, families and guests.

If you have questions about the orientation program, please contact Scherzberg or John Babcock, associate director, OTR.

If students have questions concerning signing up/completing their orientation requirement, please refer them to

Topics: Enrollment, Registration, Student Affairs, Student Success, Transfer

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