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Staff Senate invites participation in shared governance

The group’s March 11 meeting will include discussions on the strategic-planning process, student employment and the new compensation structure.

By Taylor Hase

March 4, 2020

MSU Denver sign

Metropolitan State University of Denver staff members are invited to attend the next Staff Senate Meeting on March 11 from 1:30-3 p.m. in the Hospitality Learning Center, Room 208. The agenda will include:

  • Katherine Martinez, Ph.D., interim director of the Gender Institute for Teaching and Advocacy and chair for Gender, Women and Sexualities Studies, will discuss the five pillars of MSU Denver’s Strategic Plan.
  • Liza Larson, University controller, will highlight the Student Employee Program and how we can help student employees meaningfully advance toward their future careers.
  • Angela Bender, associate director of talent strategy, and Jess Ward, Human Resources generalist, will share updates regarding administrative-staff compensation.

Senators and all staff, including exempt (administrative) staff, classified staff and student employees, have the opportunity to participate in shared governance through monthly Staff Senate meetings as well as through standing and ad hoc committees, yearly social events and professional-development activities.

Find information

Visit the public Staff Senate SharePoint site to access important information, including the Meeting and Events calendar, meeting agendas and minutes, governing documents, news and the Staff Senate Teams site. Permission to join the site is not required. Click here for instructions on how you can follow the Staff Senate SharePoint site and add meeting/event dates to your calendar. We will continue to update the SharePoint and streamline communication to ensure transparency and accessibility of relevant information.

What is shared governance?

Shared governance is a privilege and responsibility that we all share at Metropolitan State University of Denver. The Shared Governance Policy provides the imperative for the University president to involve staff, faculty and students in decisions and policymaking at MSU Denver. To this end, the Staff Senate serves to represent the voices of all staff, including exempt (administrative) staff, classified staff and student employees.

“It is through the initiative, participation and effort of all the University’s constituencies that excellence is achieved.”

In addition to participation in University shared governance, the Staff Senate By-Laws establish the Staff Senate as a space for all staff to develop their leadership capabilities by:

  • Promoting inclusive leadership
  • Providing a forum for issue-based and solution-focused dialogue
  • Discussing issues that affect University staff
  • Advancing institutional priorities
  • Promoting employee welfare
  • Sharing ideas
  • Providing professional-development opportunities
  • Recognizing achievements
  • Creating a sense of community among staff members 

Staff Senate By-Laws

Staff Senate Constitution

Topics: Events, Inclusion, Inclusive leadership, Staff Senate

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