Early Bird
A message from the MSU Denver Staff Senate
Information on remote working, resources, communications, transportation and more.
March 19, 2020
Dear members of the MSU Denver staff community,
No need to sugarcoat it – this is a tough time. The challenges we’re facing are unprecedented. Many of us are scared and uncertain.
In situations such as this, the most important thing is to take care of yourself and your family first. Beyond that, we’ve got your back.
As Staff Senate, we’ve heard your concerns and tried to answer them the best we can, given the fluid nature of the situation.
Remote work
- All staff by now should be working remotely.
- Paid leave options and telework are detailed in this letter from Human Resources; highlights include:
- Hourly and student employees will be paid for hours they would have worked.
- Telework options and practice should be determined between each employee and their supervisor.
- As Matt Griswold, associate vice president of Online Learning, noted to faculty in the recent town hall, faculty members are experts in their discipline and can deliver that expertise in different ways; similarly, you are the experts in your respective areas.
- MSU Denver’s community Learning and Development SharePoint is a repository of information, including:
- Telework best practices for staff
- Telework best practices for supervisors
- LinkedIn learning path for working remotely
- Perspective for faculty on critical student considerations during online migration, applicable for all (thanks, Amber Mozet)
- Pedagogy in the time of an epidemic
- With the rapid transition of everything online, MSU Denver’s COVID-19 update website is the go-to source for all breaking University information.
- The website also contains Frequently Asked Questions for students on transitioning to online learning.
- Keep an eye on official University channels such as the Early Bird and social media for breaking information, along with stories to help you succeed and stay connected to the Roadrunner spirit – that includes many of our furry new co-workers!
- As noted by Gov. Jared Polis in Wednesday’s Denver Post, avoid taking public transit if at all possible.
- The last day to get a refund on spring parking permits is April 16 for the unused portion of your permit; contact the Parking and Transportation Services Offices, 303-556-2003.
During this time of social distancing, it’s more important than ever to stay connected. So let us know your questions on the Staff Senate Communication site, and we’ll do the best we can to find you answers.
Though each of our situations is individual, they share common threads of care – for our students, our health, our families, our communities. This shared bond is what sees us through in times such as these, and as Roadrunners, we tend to our flock.
Take some time. Breathe. Wash your hands for 20 seconds.
We are Roadrunners, and we are united.
We will get through this, together.
Staff Senate leadership
Topics: Staff Senate
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