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Administration Branch to test-drive remote working Friday

90% of Administration employees will work from off-campus to test network, capabilities and productivity, with critical on-campus positions remaining staffed.

By Leone Dick

March 12, 2020

Anthony Baker working on laptop near near Platte River Confluence.On Friday, the Metropolitan State University of Denver Administration Branch will conduct the University’s first significant test of remote working capabilities.

Approximately 90% of Administration employees will work off-campus to test the University’s network, capabilities and productivity should the spread of the coronavirus require a broader campus closure. The branch’s customer-service desk — as well as key student-support functions such as computer-lab support and cashiering — will remain staffed during the test.

Larry Sampler, chief operating officer and vice president for Administration and Finance, and Leone Dick, chief of staff to the vice president for Administration, will remain on campus to monitor operations and gather data and feedback. Employees working remotely will provide further feedback on the process via SharePoint, helping to identify any potential stress points or areas requiring improvement. This information and after-action meetings will help model and inform potential procedures and best practices should other departments need to follow suit.

“A lot of thought and consideration went into developing this remote working test,” Sampler said. “All Administration employees were informed and have been very supportive.”

Sampler emphasized that this test is not in response to any identified health situation on campus. Instead, it’s about transparently building the University’s business-operations continuity plan, testing that plan and developing best practices.

“This is simply a first step so that we can be confident that — if the campus needs to close — we can still provide a high level of service remotely and continue to serve our students and our mission,” he said. 

Sampler indicated that if the limited test Friday is a success, there likely will be a more aggressive test scheduled for a larger group of University staff next week.

For more information on MSU Denver’s response to the evolving coronavirus situation, please continue to visit the University’s coronavirus-updates page. The campus community is welcome to submit specific questions as well.

Topics: Administration, Health, Safety

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