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Are you hosting a camp this year?

Summer will be here sooner than you think, so help promote MSU Denver’s summer camps by sharing new or updated event information.

By Lindsey Coulter

February 3, 2020

Two elementary students participating in a STEM camp.Each year, Metropolitan State University of Denver offers an array of exciting summer camps for kids of all ages. These events help high school students prepare for college, pique middle-school students’ interest in STEM fields, improve toddlers’ soccer skills and engage children of all ages with a musical instrument of their choice. In addition to helping kids learn, explore and innovate, summer camps also help students understand what life is like on a college campus. Some even become Roadrunners.

If you are hosting or co-hosting a continuing camp this summer, please visit MSU Denver’s Summer Camps webpage to confirm your event details.

If you are hosting or co-hosting a new camp this year — or if you would like to update existing camp information — please email your event details to so we can help advertise and promote these great opportunities.

Stay tuned to the Early Bird for more camp details.

Topics: Community, Events

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