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Classroom technology upgrades

Have you noticed new equipment in your classrooms?

By Corey Oxenbury

February 27, 2020

Technology in this classroom supported by the Technology Fee signOver winter break, Information Technology Services successfully upgraded the equipment in 15 classrooms across campus. In addition to replacing old projectors, screens and speakers, every classroom was assigned a new, up-to-date computer, even if the room didn’t have one previously. Some rooms had equipment more than 15 years old, so ITS hopes these upgrades will bring a more positive education experience to faculty and students alike.

ITS was able to fund these upgrades thanks to the passage of the Student Technology Fee last year and will continue to schedule classroom upgrades throughout the year thanks to this dedicated source of funding. Classrooms will be scheduled for upgrades based on the age of the technology and on reports of ongoing issues in those rooms.

If you are experiencing any ongoing problems with classroom technology, please contact ITS at 303-352-7548 or If you need immediate assistance, please call the support number posted in the classroom.

Topics: Technically Speaking, Technology

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