Early Bird
To your mental health
Eight areas of wellness that can help combat ‘COVID fatigue.’
By Linda Hilliker, M.S., CNS
December 9, 2020
In recent months, the term “COVID fatigue” has emerged as a means to describe the impact of chronic stress caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. As COVID fatigue sets in, there is a tendency to forgo social distancing, mask-wearing and repetitive cleaning rituals as pressure mounts from unprocessed stress.
When under constant stress, it is quite common to lose access to our usual repertoire of skills and capacities, as many of the body’s systems are under strain. When a source of stress is short-term, it is easier to return to one’s routine. However, during a pandemic, it is easy to lose one’s compass when the days blur into weeks, months and seasons.
To healthily manage stress and combat COVID fatigue, try focusing on these key wellness areas:
Exercise is a natural antidepressant. While many gyms, pools and other sports options have closed or have limited access, try to get outside or take a walk daily. Also, having some exposure to the sun is helpful for creating vitamin D, which supports a healthy immune function.
Food choices are important. It is easy to reach for extra food when it is available all day long, particularly for those of us who are working from home most or all of the time. However, sugar and caffeine not only spike insulin but can affect mood regulation. Be mindful to focus on protein, healthy fats and vegetables and to limit refined sugars, fruit juices and flour-based foods.
With changes to work schedules, it can be easy to drift away from a regular bedtime. This can lead to sleeping not enough or too long, disrupting the restorative functions in our bodies, which occur optimally between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. Blue light from electronics screens, particularly during nighttime hours, gives a signal to our pituitary gland that it is light outside, which reduces the production and secretion of naturally occurring melatonin. This disrupts the body’s circadian rhythm, making it difficult to sleep. Avoiding electronics an hour prior to bed can be helpful. Also, avoid stimulants late in the day. Reducing evening light to amber tones, such as from salt lamps, may help as well.
While virtual contact is not the same as in-person, care, humor and love can still be transmitted remotely. Maintaining connection with family and friends who are loving, present, available and listening provides co-regulation of our emotions. This has a soothing effect on our autonomic nervous system and reduces or prevents the activation of stress hormones.
Did you know it is possible to reset your nervous system through your breath? There are a number of breathing exercises that can help us come to center during moments of stress. Try sitting with your feet on the ground, spine upright. Gradually take in a deep breath to the count of four and, with pursed lips, exhale twice as long as the inhale. Repeat this for three to five cycles. This takes less than a minute or two and is free and always available.
Research has shown that earthing reduces inflammation in the body, improves organ function and improves sleep. Also known as grounding, the term refers to contact with the earth’s surface electrons and the transfer of energy from the ground into the body.
Contemplation and meditation
Loss of community activities has tended to result in more downtime and, for some, a slower pace. This can create a space for past unprocessed mental and emotional content to come into our awareness. This may include memories or something that feels incomplete in our relationships, including our relationships with ourselves. Unfinished business may pop into our minds and inhabit our dream time – sometimes intrusively. Try quiet reflecting, writing down your thoughts, silent sitting meditation or guided meditations. There are free apps available with abundant options for meditation support, such as Insight Timer, Calm and Headspace.
Mindfulness and gratitude
Often, a busy mind accompanies stressful times and thoughts occur that are not always positive or true. If we slow down, it is easier to notice the thoughts moving through and counter the disturbing ones with a positive reframe. Gratitude is one type of positive reframe, where instead of thinking about and amplifying what we don’t like, we focus on and amplify what we are grateful for. This has a positive impact on neurochemistry, which is beneficial to our mood.
If you are experiencing a level of stress beyond what these strategies can help, the Health Center at Auraria can offer support and referrals. The Counseling Center also offers counseling, and please refer to this earlier article for support in finding a mental-health provider.
Topics: Health, Health Center at Auraria, Mental Health
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