Early Bird
Early Bird hiatus and holiday announcement
Look for the last issue of 2020 on Dec. 18 and enjoy a half-day Dec. 24.
By Lindsey Coulter
December 8, 2020
In celebration of the holiday season, and in appreciation for all our hardworking employees, Metropolitan State University of Denver will close at noon Dec. 24, giving everyone a little jump-start on a much-deserved break.
“I can’t thank our faculty, staff and student employees enough for their service to our students and our mission,” said President Janine Davidson, Ph.D. “Your patience and dedication during this atypical year are deeply appreciated. I hope you take these extra hours to safely enjoy time with your families, reach out to friends or just rest and recharge.”
Additionally, the Early Bird is taking a brief hiatus as we do each year around this time. The final edition of 2020 will run Dec. 18 with our last Photo of the Week of the year. The first edition of 2021 will hit faculty and staff inboxes Jan. 6. See the Human Resources holiday schedule for general vacation details.
Over the hiatus, we’ll continue to develop articles and assist with communication needs for the spring semester. If you have a story idea or a tip for Kudos or Faculty Citings, please email earlybirdeditor@msudenver.edu.
Have a great week, a wonderful Commencement and very happy holidays!
Topics: Community
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