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90 seconds can make all the difference

Here’s how you can make a direct impact on the next class of Roadrunners in less than 2 minutes of your time.

January 30, 2020

MSU Denver students attending an event.Every year, prospective college students are bombarded with brochures and emails from schools that want them to enroll.

So, in such a crowded field, how does someone decide to become a Roadrunner?

“Faculty and staff play some of the most critical roles on campus when it comes to making that connection with our future students,” said Morgan Raleigh, director of recruitment in Metropolitan State University of Denver’s Office of Admissions. “Part of that process is our office being aware of what’s already going on so we can be proactive – it’s about coordination, collaboration and consistency.”

That’s why the University is asking all faculty and staff to fill out this 90-second survey to help best connect vital departmental outreach with the centralized coordination from Admissions. This effort builds upon previously collected data as well to optimize processes; results and outreach strategy will be shared with the campus community, Raleigh said.

One example of how source information drives recruitment practice in a competitive environment is personalized messaging.

“Communications are becoming more individualized and tailored,” said Garrett Spradlin, assistant director of Admissions for Visitor Services and Recruitment Communications. “That could mean getting a welcome letter from a department chair or connection to success resources like the Access Center, in addition to the general admissions material they’ll receive.”

Ensuring that each student is funneled into a centralized recruitment database is key to making sure they’re effectively moved along the road to application – and ultimately earning their feathers.

“Students get a lot of communications as it is, but this information will help us be more strategic,” Spradlin said. “We want to make sure they’re getting the right messages at the right times.”

Take a couple of minutes to fill out the survey, and contact Morgan Raleigh with any questions.

Topics: Community, Enrollment, Student Success

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