Early Bird
$235,000 available for early-career investigators
Boettcher Foundation announces Webb-Waring Grant opportunity.
By Shannon Roe
January 13, 2020
Early-career investigators who are researching topics that relate to human health are invited to apply for the Webb-Waring Biomedical Research Grant through Metropolitan State University of Denver’s Office of Sponsored Research and Programs.
Webb-Waring grants support early-career investigators in establishing their research so that they can become more competitive for major awards and federal funding. If selected as a Boettcher Investigator, grantees will receive $235,000 over a 3-year period to fund their research.
All Webb-Waring Grant proposals must go through an internal OSRP selection process. The winning grant will then be submitted to the Boettcher Foundation.
White-paper proposals are due to the OSRP by Feb. 3 for internal review. The OSRP and Corporate and Foundation Relations teams will work with the finalist(s) on a final proposal due March 26.
To learn more, or to download application materials, visit msudenver.edu/giving/webb-waringgrant/ or contact Betsy Jinks at 303-605-7114 or ejinks@msudenver.edu.
Topics: Funding, Grant, Health, Health Institute
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