Ways you can keep the road running
How can we all help out with ongoing enrollment success? Admissions provides a handy how-to for you.
By Cory Phare
September 27, 2017
By now, you’ve probably heard that student enrollment has stabilized and we’re becoming a more diverse institution.
Here are some tips from the Office of Admissions to keep things running for future classes:
• Talk to a potential new Roadrunner interested in your area. Make sure to have them fill out a contact card so an Admissions representative can follow up with them.
• Help out with the Open House on Nov. 4 – it’s your chance to inspire someone to choose MSU Denver and transform their life.
• Stay well-stocked with view books and contact cards so you have the recruitment tools of the trade close at hand. Let Admissions know if you’re running low.
• Be the friendly face! You may be the only person someone speaks with before they apply here, so you never know what makes the difference.
• Keep in mind our core values – along with our tasked goal to hold the line on the American dream.
• Encourage students to take the next steps in their application. And if you don’t know what those are, there are folks ready to help.