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Attend interactive Hypothesis workshop Thursday

Learn how the collaborative-annotation tool can boost student learning and engagement.

By Andy Putnam and Jeff Loats, Ph.D.

January 10, 2022

Students working on desktop computersJoin the Center for Teaching, Learning and Design and the Hypothesis team for an interactive workshop to learn how Hypothesis, a collaborative-annotation tool, can make student reading visible, active and social.

Hypothesis is a “conversation layer” that overlays any web content and is fully integrated with Canvas. The tool enables students to review PDFs or webpages, leave annotations and comments on the reading and, crucially, review and respond to those annotations and comments left by their classmates. Creating engagement is an effective way to support student learning, creating richer discourse and driving improved assessment results.

“Social annotation in digital formats brings the reading alive and gives student voices a place right beside the author and experts,” said Ann Obermann, associate professor and online-education coordinator, Social Work. “Students’ lived experiences are integrated, allowing them to see real-life application to theory, authors with differing perspectives and much more.”

Introductory Interactive Hypothesis Workshop in Canvas


10-11 a.m.

Register now.

Visit to learn more about Hypothesis.

Topics: Academics, Center for Teaching, Learning and Design, Student Success

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