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Update on Banner Self-Service 9 upgrade

The go-live date for the general and student registration modules is set for Oct. 11.

By Corey Oxenbury

September 30, 2021

Overhead image of man using a laptop computer, words Technically SpeakingThe day is almost here! As reported in a previous Early Bird, Banner Self-Service is being upgraded to a new version. Metropolitan State University of Denver will upgrade the General, Student and Student Registration Self-Service modules Oct. 11.

These changes will primarily affect students, as they will use the new Self-Service portal to access their Personal Information, Student Profile, Registration, Student Account and Financial Aid menus. Faculty and staff members will also find an improved experience when viewing and updating their personal information, including a new feature that will allow faculty and staff members to update their direct-deposit information online without the need for manual processing.

Some other features of Banner Self-Service will continue to have the same look and feel as before. All users will be introduced to an improved main menu to help them navigate between the two versions.

Departmental web authors: Please note that any direct links to Banner Self-Service features will need to be updated when the upgrade goes live. Additionally, the names of buttons on the Student or Faculty & Staff Hubs may be changed as part of the upgrade. If your department has any instructions or how-to documents that direct people through links on the Hubs, these may need to be updated.

Training: In collaboration with key stakeholders, the upgrade team is developing training materials (e.g., FAQs, training documents, videos) to ensure that students, and members of the faculty and staff have everything they need to use the new system to its fullest. Additional information on how to access training materials will be available in an upcoming Technically Speaking article, so stay tuned.

Detailed information and FAQs about this initiative are available on the Banner 9 Self-Service Upgrade Initiative webpage. If you have any questions or feedback, please email the Banner SSB9 Upgrade Team.

Topics: ITS, Technically Speaking, Technology

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