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Congrats to our Roadrunner Shoutout of the Week winners

These exceptional faculty and staff members are shining examples of dedication, innovation and excellence.

By Lindsey Coulter

September 23, 2021

Nominations continue to roll in for Metropolitan State University of Denver’s Roadrunner Shoutout of the Week awards, highlighting the excellent and important work happening at all levels of the University. This week, we celebrate two members of our University community who inspire students and their colleagues.

“Leadership is a recurring theme in this week’s nominations,” said Provost Alfred Tatum, Ph.D., who selected the winners. “It’s energizing to see so many Roadrunners taking initiative, identifying opportunities to grow and finding new ways to serve students and support their colleagues.”

Andy McMillan, Ph.D.Faculty winner – Andy McMillan, Ph.D., lab instructor in Chemistry and Biochemistry

Nominated by Shalini Srinivasan, assistant professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry, who wrote:

“Andy McMillan personifies the qualities of the ‘quiet ones who get things done.’ Reticent but thoughtful and kind, he has gone above and beyond in transforming Biochemistry-lab experiences for students in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. In the past year, despite the transition to a somewhat-hybrid lab experience, he has afforded his students opportunities to participate in special projects, integrating novel modeling and computational methods into his courses to keep them as rich and engaging as they were when entirely in person. He has continued to incorporate these tools into the development of an innovative lab course, Computational Biochemistry, thus ensuring that our students are always well-informed about contemporary approaches in their potential fields of study. He also leads the management and assignment of student graders, SIs, LAs and tutors for all courses in the Chemistry Department. His reticence and patience belie his passionate advocacy for his field and his ability to bring out the very best in all his students! Thanks, Andy!”

Andy, thank you for your thoughtful leadership and for creating new and exciting learning opportunities for your students. Our students find success in the classroom and beyond because of instructors like you.

Connie SandersStaff winner – Connie Sanders, registrar

Nominated by Brandy Schooler, assistant registrar, who wrote:

“Connie is truly registrar extraordinaire! She urges her team to collaborate in unique ways, demonstrates the values of MSU Denver and goes above and beyond regarding her work. Connie always puts others before herself and leads with courage and passion! Covid-19 has been difficult for leaders, but Connie has continued to remain positive, empathetic, helpful and encouraging through this difficult time. She truly has been a positive influence throughout Covid-19 and has been strong in leading us through it. Thank you, Connie, for being a strong leader!”

Connie, your strategic leadership through a challenging period is deeply appreciated. Thank you for sharing your many wonderful personal and professional qualities with the MSU Denver community.

The Roadrunner Shoutout of the Week series is seeking new student-employee nominations. Please help recognize outstanding student employees by submitting a nomination today.

To nominate outstanding employees for the Roadrunner Shoutout of the Week award, please complete the form on the Roadrunner Shoutout of the Week webpage. Tell us how your nominee is making an impact through great teaching, service to students or innovation. Winners will be selected each week and profiled in the Early Bird on Thursdays. Winners will also get a shoutout on social media.

Topics: Award, Excellence, Roadrunner Shoutout

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