Early Bird
Instructional Design Support Team offers course-improvement training
New sessions hosted by CTLD available starting Sept. 13.
By Todd Wolfe, Tanner Wilde, Jennifer Whitton-Trujillo and Alex McDaniel
September 2, 2021
When it comes to building and improving your course, you have so many tools available that using them may seem daunting. To help you overcome some of the issues you may have experienced, the Center for Teaching, Learning and Design Instructional Design Support team will begin offering virtual and in-person trainings starting Sept. 13 on topics including:
- Assignment Creation
- Course Management in Canvas
- Creating a Class in Team and Teams Management
- Creating, Editing and Sharing Videos on Yuja
- Gradebook Training
- Group Work
- Integrating a Canvas Course With a Face-to-face Course
- Module and Course Organization
- Page Creation
- Quiz Creation
Each topic will be offered twice virtually and twice in person (in Central Classroom Room 103) through the end of November. The schedule and registration links are available at www.msudenver.edu/teaching-learning-design/events/.
Didn’t find what you were looking for? Complete the survey below and indicate which trainings are important to you. If your requested topics are not already in the list, we will collaborate with you to ensure that your training needs are met.
Also, don’t forget that virtual support, as well as physical drop-ins at Central Classroom Building 220, are available Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Topics: Best practices, Center for Teaching, Learning and Design, Online Learning
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