Early Bird
Curriculum enhancements for upcoming review cycle
Learn more about reviewer guides, committee membership and helpful new resources.
By Erica Buckland Anderson
August 31, 2021
Over the summer, the curriculum staff created and activated some important features to aid reviewers and originators in the upcoming curriculum cycle. These features provide more support and information for faculty and staff members at all levels of the curriculum process. The Curriculum, Academic Effectiveness and Policy Development office is excited to highlight this work:
Curriculum reviewer guide and Canvas training
A comprehensive Guide to Curriculum for Reviewers has been published on the Curriculum SharePoint site. This guide includes information on topics such as Curriculog navigation, standard practices for curriculum submissions and roles and responsibilities. In addition, a dynamic self-paced curriculum training is available through Canvas. All reviewers, new and returning, are strongly encouraged to enroll in the training.
Committee function in Curriculog
Committee members are now listed in Curriculog! While the committee chair still submits the final vote on behalf of the committee, committee members are now listed on the step for their committee, which presents access to read comments and see proposals in their My Tasks list – something they couldn’t do before.
Committee-chair welcome page
A new welcome page for curriculum-review committee chairs includes resource information and a list of requested tasks to complete. To support the Curriculog Committee enhancement, the CAEPD office needs committee-roster information. Additionally, to assist with committee continuity and to avoid loss of information year-to-year, other forms have been crafted to capture these key informational items for each committee.
Curriculum institutional-contacts page
The roster of key curriculum-committee chairs and administrative staff involved in curriculum now has an easily accessible listing on the Curriculum SharePoint.
Curriculum distribution list
With the University’s move away from Lyris, a Microsoft distribution list has been created to keep the curriculum mailing list active. Subscribe to receive important announcements from CAEPD.
Undergraduate intent-to-propose program
This is a new form for faculty members to submit when they plan to propose a new undergraduate program, no matter the program type. If you or your department plan to submit or has submitted a new program for curriculum review during this upcoming cycle, please submit this brief intent-to-propose-a-new-program form. By alerting CAEPD sooner in the new-program process, office staff can be proactive in aligning the various moving parts of new-program approval.
Check out the newest edition of the CAEPD Newsletter, which includes articles on the Higher Learning Commisison visit, Academic Program Review and more.
Contact Erica Buckland Anderson, director of Curriculum and Catalog, with any questions.
Topics: Academics, Best practices, Events, Professional development
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