Early Bird
Latest on Covid-19 and campus operations
Important reminders from COO Larry Sampler on vaccine verification, exemptions, reporting positive cases and more.
By Larry Sampler, chief operating officer
August 19, 2021
Dear Roadrunners,
As we welcome students, faculty and staff back to campus for the fall semester, questions continue to arise from campus-community members regarding vaccination, masking, safety and more. Here are a few updates and reminders on how we can all help ensure the health of the Roadrunner community and preserve in-person learning.
Vaccine-verification reminder
If you have not yet submitted verification of your Covid-19 vaccine, please do so ASAP and remind your teams and colleagues to do so as well. The deadline to submit was Tuesday, and the required weekly testing protocol for unvaccinated individuals begins next week.
Sunsetting the vaccine-exemption process
Since announcing the vaccine-verification and testing requirements for students and employees, we’ve had several questions regarding the exemption process. With all higher-education employees required by Denver’s recent Public Health Order to provide proof of vaccination and student vaccine verification now managed through the Colorado Immunization Information System, the exemption process is no longer required. A person is either vaccinated or unvaccinated.
All unvaccinated Metropolitan State University of Denver students and employees on campus must comply with additional testing measures to help safeguard the health of the campus community. Information regarding the testing process will come via individualized email from a Primary.health email address.
Updated Covid-19-related protocol: reporting positive cases and masking-compliance recommendations
As shared in Wednesday’s Early Bird, all faculty and staff members should call the Health Center at Auraria (303-615-9999) and inform your supervisor immediately of any positive case, regardless of testing or exposure location. New FAQs are also available to help members of the campus community understand important Covid-19 reporting and health protocols.
As you all know, at this time, individuals on campus are expected to wear a face covering while indoors and to perform a daily health self-assessment prior to arrival. Guidelines to assist faculty and staff members in addressing adherence to these requirements are available here, in the section "other planning resources."
Regardless of your role, we all have a responsibility to foster Roadrunner health. Please follow the campus mask requirements and continue to observe MSU Denver’s Required Health Protocols and daily health assessment. If you are feeling sick, do not come to campus.
As always, if you have questions or concerns, please visit our Safe Return to Campus webpage, including the Faculty and Staff Guide and Covid-19 Vaccine and Testing Requirements. Be sure to reach out via roadrunnersafereturn@msudenver.edu with additional questions. Thank you again for continuing to work toward a safe return to campus and a successful fall semester.
Larry Sampler
Vice president for Administration, Finance and Facilities and chief operating officer
Topics: Administration, Health, Human Resources, ITS, Safety, Technology
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