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Safe Return to Campus highlights

COO Larry Sampler shares updated vaccination rates, RTD EcoPass info.

By Lindsey Coulter

June 21, 2021

Aerial image of Auraria Campus; Beginning July 6, Larry Sampler, chief operating officer and vice president for Administration, along with Provost Alfred Tatum, Ph.D., and Ed Brown, chief of staff to President Janine Davidson, Ph.D., will walk the campus meeting and visiting with folks as they return. For Tatum and Brown, this will be part of their “get acquainted tour” as they experience a post-pandemic campus. Employees are invited to say “hello!” and share any feedback they might have on the return.

As many faculty and staff members still have questions related to the transition back to campus, Sampler and Steve Monaco, executive director of the Health Center at Auraria, provided more information on two important topics.

Your questions about alternative work arrangements answered

Your questions about the vaccine-verification and -exemption process answered

Vaccination-verification survey results

According to the results of recent vaccination-verification surveys distributed to faculty and staff as well as registered students and nonregistered students:

  • Registered students (45% response rate):
    • 82.5% of respondents are fully or partially vaccinated.
    • Another 3.5% intend to be vaccinated by fall.
  • Unregistered students (1.8% response rate):
    • 79% partially or fully vaccinated.
    • Another 5.8% intend to be vaccinated by fall.
  • Employees (63% response rate):
    • 95.7% fully or partially vaccinated.

Please continue to encourage your colleagues and students to submit their information as soon as possible.


The new online Wellness Dashboard will highlight events, resources and on-campus areas for reflection, prayer and meditation. Roadrunners are invited to submit wellness-related events, resources and information for inclusion on the site.

RTD Pass reminder

MSU Denver will cover the cost of the Regional Transportation District EcoPass for faculty and staff members for fall (July 1 to Dec. 31). Faculty and professional and classified staff members can get the pass from Auraria Higher Education Center Parking and Transportation Services in the 7th Street Garage beginning the week of June 28.

Topics: Administration, Community, Health, Safety

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