Early Bird
Canvas Spotlight: Add items to Modules
Develop organized, consistent courses.
By Laura Berryman, Nicholas Ogg and Alex McDaniel
May 4, 2021
Modules are the building blocks of a Canvas course. Modules help organize a course and ensure that students will access all materials in the desired order. A wide variety of items can be added to a Module, including pages, discussions, assignments, quizzes, files, headers and links. Adding different types of items to Modules makes a course more engaging and accommodates learners with diverse preferences.
Best practices
- Use modules to split up the course by week, chapter, topic or theme.
- Begin each module with an Overview page that describes the module and its objectives.
- Add all items that students will interact with to the Module in sequential order.
- Include various types of resources to target diverse learners.
- Use text headers and indentions to break up and organize larger modules.
Let’s walk through it together
For complete written step-by-step instructions, head over to the Center for Teaching, Learning and Design Ready Spotlight page.
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Topics: Academics, Best practices, Center for Teaching, Learning and Design, Online Learning, Student Success
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