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Join the Restorative Justice Coalition.

By Elise Krumholz

May 12, 2021

Aerial image of campus and downtown Denver.The Dean of Students Office is launching a Restorative Justice Coalition. The office is looking for students, staff members and faculty members who are passionate about restorative justice and incorporating restorative practices into the Metropolitan State University of Denver community. 


Restorative justice is a philosophy and practice that emphasizes repairing the harm caused by an incident of wrongdoing or by conflict. Restorative justice is a collaborative process that brings together the involved parties to address what happened, the impacts and needs of all involved and what can be done to repair the harm that has been caused.

The coalition will engage in a shared learning experience and explore opportunities for a more community-inclusive response to wrongdoing at MSU Denver and as a way to build relationships and prevent conflict. The Dean of Students Office has been working to lay the foundation for restorative justice at MSU Denver over the past few years and wants to engage the broader MSU Denver community to examine the possibilities of restorative justice more deeply.

As part of the University’s anti-racist efforts and the Dean of Students Office’s anti-racism commitments, the coalition will discuss current policies and practices, such as the Student Code of Conduct, that have historically mimicked judicial systems rooted in white supremacy. In that light, the coalition will examine how restorative practices can contribute to shifting the campus culture around conflict to be more equitable and socially just.


You! We are looking for people who are passionate about creating change and would like to share their lived experiences.

We invite Roadrunners to share their knowledge and experiences in the form of a coalition to collectively envision restorative justice at MSU Denver. We want to understand the needs of our campus community when it comes to conflict resolution and accountability. 


  • Meetings will start in August and occur monthly for one year (subject to change).
  • In August, the coalition will meet for an immersive one-day restorative-justice training.
  • Regular meetings will be 1.5 hours (subject to change).
  • Meetings will be facilitated in a restorative-circle process, and over time, coalition members may take on facilitation roles as they are comfortable.


Restorative justice offers an alternative lens to address harm and accountability. Restorative practices are rooted in indigenous practices from all over the world and emphasize interconnectedness. When conflict or harm occurs, there is a ripple effect to those involved, including the wider community.

As a place of education, MSU Denver is an inherent community. This community-centered approach embraces active accountability, listening and repair. Restorative justice is also a relational approach to conflict and wrongdoing, rather than a punitive one where the focus is primarily on the violation and punishment. To embrace restorative principles of relationship and interconnectedness, the Dean of Students Office is forming this community-centered coalition.

How to apply

Check out our website to learn more about the coalition and to apply or recommend someone. Students and members of faculty and staff are welcome to apply. Applications are due by July 2.

Stay tuned for upcoming events and information about restorative justice and the coalition.

Topics: CADRE, Community, Excellence, Inclusion

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