Early Bird
Fall registration and CRN change
Information about the change in Course Reference Numbers for the fall semester and registration dates.
By Sean Murphy
April 5, 2021
Fall registration begins today for priority students. See the following dates/times when registration will open for students based on their priority assignment:
10 a.m.: Undergraduate seniors with 120 or more completed credit hours
1 p.m.: Undergraduate seniors with 105-119 completed credit hours
3 p.m.: Undergraduate seniors with 90-104 completed credit hours
Noon: Graduate students with 40 or more earned credit hours
10 a.m.: Undergraduate juniors with 80-89 completed credit hours
Noon: Graduate students with 31-39 earned credit hours
1 p.m.: Undergraduate juniors with 70-79 completed credit hours
3 p.m.: Undergraduate juniors with 60-69 completed credit hours
Noon: Graduate students with 21-30 earned credit hours
10 a.m.: Undergraduate sophomores with 50-59 completed credit hours
Noon: Graduate students with zero to 20 earned credit hours
1 p.m.: Undergraduate sophomores with 40-49 completed credit hours
3 p.m.: Undergraduate sophomores with 30-39 completed credit hours
April 12
10 a.m.: Undergraduate freshmen with 20-29 completed credit hours
1 p.m.: Undergraduate freshmen with 10-19 completed credit hours
3 p.m.: Undergraduate freshmen with 1-9 completed credit hours
April 14
10 a.m.: Undergraduate freshmen with zero earned credit hours (last name beginning with A-K)
1 p.m.: Undergraduate freshmen with zero earned credit hours (last name beginning with L-Z)
Also, please note that fall CRNs (five-digit numbers associated with a specific course offering) begin with a 3 instead of a 5. This is a one-time change, and Metropolitan State University of Denver will return to the normal numbering system with the spring 2022 semester. This information also was included in the Call to Schedule e-mail sent to deans, department chairs and administrative assistants Jan. 19.
If you have any questions, please e-mail regsystems@msudenver.edu.
Topics: Registration
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