Early Bird
Safe Return to Campus highlights
COO Larry Sampler shares important updates on vaccine distribution.
By Lindsey Coulter
April 26, 2021
Last week, Larry Sampler, chief operating officer and vice president for Administration and Facilities Management, shared the following updates:
MSU Denver Required Health Protocols have been updated:
- Perform a health assessment daily before coming to campus.
- Do not come to campus if you have any symptoms and/or are not feeling well. Consult a medical professional if symptoms persist.
- Masks are not required outdoors but are still encouraged in outdoor settings. Take extra precaution around groups of people outdoors when you are unsure of others’ vaccination status.
- Masks are required when indoors.
- Bandannas and neck gaiters are not acceptable face coverings.
- While teaching, faculty members may wear face shields if they can maintain a minimum of 12 feet from students during class. Once lecturing has concluded, the faculty member needs to wear a mask.
- Wash your hands and/or use hand sanitizer frequently.
- Maintain physical distancing of at least 6 feet when indoors.
- Comply with all posted campus signage.
Facilities updates
The Department of Facilities has outlined FAQs and general information on heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems, sanitization and cleaning.
HVAC efficiency and air quality
Adjustments have been implemented to increase building safety. For example, air-exchange rate is an important metric that refers to the number of times air is replaced in each room every hour. Currently, we are achieving eight to 12 air exchanges per hour. A rate of 10 exchanges per hour will result in a 99% removal of airborne contaminants in 28 minutes.
Following Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance, we also have increased the filtration ratings of our air filters from MERV-8 to MERV-13. The higher rating will improve indoor air quality by trapping harmful particulates in the outside and recirculated air.
Plexiglass is not planned for any spaces or locations on the campus, with the exception of customer-facing transaction-counter-type locations where members of our campus community may be subject to increased contact with members of the general public. No plexiglass is being considered for offices.
Air purifiers
The University is not providing air purifiers for any space on campus. Portable filters are not a substitute for properly worn face coverings, which are the best way to reduce the risk of virus transmission indoors.
Join the RSR Committee
Interested in joining the Roadrunners Safe Return Committee? Submit your information and area of interest.
Topics: Administration, Health, Safety
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