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Canvas Spotlight: Add readings and videos to the Course Summary

Mark ungraded items as ‘to-dos’ in Canvas.

By Emily Van Buren, Nicholas Ogg and Alex McDaniel

March 23, 2021

Items with due dates such as assignments, quizzes and discussions automatically get added to the Course Summary and student To-Do List once a due date is set, but what about other elements of a course, such as readings and videos? Marking these items as “to-dos” in modules will add them to the Course Summary and the student To-Do List, which can be a great way to help students stay on top of coursework. The video below covers everything you need to know about how to mark items as “to-do” in Canvas.

Best practices

  • Use modules to sequence your content and assignments.
  • Use pages to share links, readings and videos.
  • Mark items as “to-do” so they will appear on the Course Summary and the To-Do List on the student Dashboard.

Let’s walk through it together

For complete written step-by-step instructions, head over to the Center for Teaching, Learning and Design Ready Spotlight page.

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Topics: Academics, Best practices, Online Learning

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