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Professor’s Room submissions requested

Because clever people have interesting spaces – on and off campus.

By Josie Lavender

March 10, 2021

Megan Lazorski in her home office/classroom.Attention, faculty members, please nominate yourself or a faculty colleague for the Early Bird’s Professor’s Room series.

The series welcomes on- and off-campus workspaces, and faculty members of all categories are welcome to participate. If your workspace is filled with noteworthy knickknacks, outrageous objects, alluring artwork or furry “co-workers,” you could be our next featured faculty member.

Submissions must include a high-resolution photo of you in your workspace and brief descriptions of five to seven items included in the image (the larger and more visible the items the better).

To submit your office for consideration or to get more information, please email and include “Professor’s Room” in the subject line.

Topics: Community, Professor's Room

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