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Higher Learning Commission visit update

Learn about the upcoming visit and help promote the Student Opinion Survey, which closes Feb. 19.

By Lindsey Coulter

February 8, 2021

Students walking on snowy campus.Metropolitan State University of Denver is actively preparing for the upcoming Higher Learning Commission Reaccreditation visit April 26-27. The University’s accreditation team is developing and reviewing the University’s responses to the HLC criteria. A draft will be available the first week of March for community review before all documentation is due to the HLC on March 28.

HLC seeking student input

Additionally, the Higher Learning Commission will be reaching out directly to all MSU Denver students to get their feedback on the University. The organization is conducting a Student Opinion Survey, which opens today and closes Feb. 19.

“The survey is a mandatory component of accreditation. However, students who respond to the survey do so on a voluntary basis, and all comments will remain anonymous,” said Shaun T. Schafer, Ph.D., accreditation liaison officer.

Each student who is enrolled for the spring semester will receive an email from the University with instructions on completing the survey. Survey results will be shared with the HLC review team and MSU Denver about one month prior to the HLC visit.

“While the survey does not require a specific response rate, the more results the better as the University attempts to understand where it is meeting its mission and any areas where MSU Denver is coming up short,” Schafer said. “We hope that all students will participate and that faculty and staff will encourage students to make their voices heard.”

Results of the student survey conducted prior to the 2017 HLC visit included comments on parking concerns, classroom experiences, inclusivity and diversity. However, those comments came from fewer than 600 students. The accreditation team is aiming for an increased response to the 2021 survey and asks faculty and staff to help promote the survey and its significance.

“Please remind students to watch their email today and to respond to the HLC survey by Feb. 19,” Schafer said.

Learn more about the Higher Learning Commission Accreditation process.

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