Early Bird
Updates to SSC Navigate and advising notes
Helpful info for faculty, staff and students about the tool’s new look, link and processes.
By Gabriel Grinsteiner
February 3, 2021
As of Monday, some significant changes have occurred with Student Success Collaborative Navigate (SSC Navigate) for students that users of the system should be aware of for updating any items or materials:
- The SSC Navigate student homepage has a new look. Please check out this video tutorial to view the updates and post the link to your department’s webpage for students to view.
- The change in the student homepage in SSC Navigate includes a change to the website URL that students are directed to for scheduling advising appointments. Please make sure your department’s website and email signatures reflect the correct website: msudenver.guide.eab.com. Students may also continue to use the SSC Navigate mobile app for scheduling advising appointments.
Additionally, faculty and staff members can view advising notes from all systems (past and present) from the Faculty and Staff Hub. Follow these steps:
- Click “Faculty and Advisors Menu” and log in.
- Click “Advisor Menu.”
- Click “View Student Notes.”
If faculty or staff members would like to know more about the features available in SSC Navigate for advising or want to set up a time for training, please email advisingsystems@msudenver.edu.
Topics: Student Success, Technology
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