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Join MSU Denver’s newest Faculty and Staff Learning Community

The group will study the feasibility of developing an interdisciplinary disabilities-studies minor program.

By Lindsey Coulter

December 7, 2021

Students walking across campus in early fall semester.Metropolitan State University of Denver employees are invited to join a new Faculty and Staff Learning Community to explore developing an interdisciplinary disabilities-studies minor program.

As accessibility is one of MSU Denver’s core values, the FSLC titled Benefits and Logistics of an Interdisciplinary Disabilities Studies Minor at MSU Denver: An Exploratory Learning Community will examine different program models. The goal is to develop a feasibility plan for launching and sustaining such a program.

With its emphasis on accessibility and its appeal to students (and staff and faculty members) with disabilities, MSU Denver is well-positioned to be an academic leader in the area of disabilities studies. For example, the Center for Teaching, Learning and Design has already developed the Accessibility Competency Certification Program to help faculty and staff members make classes and materials accessible. This FSLC will build on that work, exploring models for an interdisciplinary disabilities-studies minor that would give students and faculty members the opportunity to study disability through the lenses of different disciplines.

The FSLC will be offered next spring and fall, and members will meet three times per semester for two-hour meetings (meeting days/times determined by participants). Remote participation will be possible.

The new FSLC is co-sponsored by the CTLD; the Access Center; the Department of Speech, Language, Hearing Sciences; the Department of Social Work; and the Writing Center. For more information or to join the FSLC, please contact facilitator Elizabeth Kleinfeld, Ph.D., at

Topics: Academics, Access, Faculty Learning Communities

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