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Attention, supervisors: Complete midyear evaluations by Dec. 22

Supervisors and employees are encouraged to review and revise goals and check out new professional-development resources.

By Imani Morning

November 24, 2021

JSSBIt’s time again to complete midyear professional (administrative) employee conversations. This is a time to revisit and revise goals set during year-end evaluations in the spring and a valuable opportunity for ongoing relationship-building, coaching and development.


  • Supervisors and employees should use the Mid-Year Coaching Conversations tool and SMART Goals worksheet to complete midyear evaluations by Dec. 22.
  • Supervisors are encouraged to use regularly scheduled one-on-one meetings (weekly or bi-weekly is encouraged). Supervisors and employees can review and revise goals together during this time.
  • Supervisors and employees should reference the employee goals that were set during year-end evaluations using the Performance Goals for Next Year section of the Self-Evaluation form or the SMART Goals worksheet.
  • These tools will not be collected and can be edited throughout the year as priorities change and shift.

Additional resources

Leadership Development SharePoint site

Visit the Performance Development page of the Leadership Development SharePoint site to find news, tools and resources that support personal growth, professional development and organizational wellness.

Professional-development workshop series

Join the Learning and Development Team for a series of pilot workshops during the 2021-22 academic year. The skills-based workshops are based on relevant topics that support all Metropolitan State University of Denver employees. While some workshops may have a target audience listed, all faculty and staff members and student employees are welcome to attend.  

In alignment with alternative work arrangements, sessions will be offered virtually and in person. See registration details for more information. 

Leading With Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

This workshop is open to all employees and will include discussions around the components of emotional intelligence (EQ), identifying tools and practices to gain self-awareness and reflecting on the impact of triggers with the overall goal to increase EQ competency and enhance work/team dynamics.

Dec. 9, 12:30-3:30p.m.

Register for virtual Teams training.

Contact Imani Morning, director of Engagement, Culture and Organizational Development, for more information.

Building Trust and Psychological Safety in the Workplace

During this engaging workshop, participants will discuss the components and benefits of trust and psychological safety in the workspace. This will include self- and team assessments on how to build (or rebuild) trust and safety, including within a hybrid team.  
Dec. 14, 9 a.m. to noon

Register for virtual Teams training.

Contact Rob Ingle,, Learning and Development specialist, for more information.

General questions can be directed to the Office of Learning and Development at

Topics: Events, Human Resources, Professional development

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