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Do you know a student who could use academic, employment or financial support? Check out this quick guide to some helpful services.
By Lindsey Coulter
October 5, 2021
Financial support
FAFSA and CASFA applications
The 2022-23 FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) and CASFA (Colorado Application for State Financial Aid) applications are now open, and it’s also not too late for students to complete the 2021-22 FAFSA or CASFA. In a cross-department collaborative effort, MSU Denver is hosting FAFSA/CASFA drop-in workshops to support students in successfully completing the applications.
Workshop dates/times:
Wednesday: 1-4 p.m., JSSB 236 Computer Lab
Friday: 9 a.m.-noon, Teams Meeting
Oct. 13: 9 a.m.-noon, JSSB 236 Computer Lab
Oct. 19: 1-4 p.m., JSSB 236 Computer Lab
Oct. 22: 1-4 p.m., Teams Meeting
Oct. 28: 5:30-8 p.m., Teams Meeting
Students should bring their 2020 federal taxes (print or digital) and their parent’s taxes if they were born after Jan. 1, 1999, are unmarried or are without children.
If a student cannot attend any of the workshops and needs assistance completing their FAFSA, they can make a virtual appointment with the Educational Opportunity Center by calling 303-352-8746 (TRiO) or emailing EOC@ccd.edu. If students cannot attend one of these workshops and need assistance completing their CASFA (formerly DAIA), they can make an appointment with the Immigrant Services Program here.
Employment support
Workforce Recruitment Program
Do you know a student who is interested in working in the government for a summer or after graduation?
The Workforce Recruitment Program for College Students With Disabilities (WRP), coordinated by the U.S. Department of Labor and the U.S. Department of Defense, is a recruitment-and-referral program that connects federal and select private-sector employers with highly motivated college students, graduate students and recent graduates with disabilities who are eager to demonstrate their abilities in the workplace through summer or permanent jobs.
Please encourage interested students to visit WRP.gov and click “Students Register Now!” to get started (using a computer or tablet and not a mobile device).
Eligible students must:
- have a disability and be eligible under the Schedule A hiring authority
- be a United States citizen or national
- be enrolled in a degree program on a substantially full-time basis OR have graduated with a degree on or after April 1, 2019.
Please note that new and returning WRP applicants must register and complete an application each program year to continue to participate.
For more information or questions about WRP, please contact Sheriff Rasheed.
Registration closes Monday. All application materials must be uploaded to the WRP site by Oct. 13 at 11:59 p.m. PDT. No late applications will be accepted. The process includes registration approval, gathering résumé and transcript, and completing an application, so don’t delay.
Academic supports
Tutoring Center
The Metropolitan State University of Denver Tutoring Program offers free one-on-one and group tutoring sessions in a variety of subjects. The program is not just for students having difficulties with course material but also for those looking to excel in their academic pursuits. Services include online tutoring, academic-skills workshops, Accuplacer preparation and more. For more information and to view the tutor schedule, check out www.msudenver.edu/tutoring, call 303-615-1919, email tutoring@msudenver.edu or visit Jordan Student Success Building, Suite 220.
Supplemental Instruction
Supplemental Instruction supports students enrolled in traditionally difficult courses by offering free regularly scheduled group-study sessions that are facilitated by SI Leaders (current students who have previously succeeded in the course). SI Sessions are welcoming, inclusive, fun and informal. Students participate in collaborative activities that help deepen their understanding of the course content while developing effective learning and study strategies. Some 521 Roadrunners participated in SI Sessions in spring 2020 and scored half a letter grade higher than their peers enrolled in the same course/sections. Check the SI Session Schedule website to view the list of supported courses and find more information.
Writing Center
The Writing Center supports MSU Denver students and community members at every step of their writing process, including understanding assignments, generating ideas, fleshing out a draft, revising and editing. Students don’t even have to have anything written as staff can guide them from a blank page to a full draft. Make an appointment or learn more about the Writing Center by visiting msudenver.edu/writectr/.
Writing Center Hangouts, a virtual space for students to learn about the Writing Center, also serves as a good opportunity for students to meet consultants, learn about services and become peers. However, if a class is meeting in person and the faculty member would prefer a traditional in-person classroom visit, please contact Autumn Schwinn at aschwin3@msudenver.edu to schedule.
Anti-racist Book Club
Join the Antiracist Book Club through meetup.com. The group meets on the fourth Thursday of every month via Zoom. The Writing Center offers free copies of the selected book to any student who wants to participate. The group is also open to faculty and staff members.
RIDES Program
The Roadrunners Interested in Developing English Skills programoffers in-person and online appointments. RIDES helps culturally and linguistically diverse students and community members with basic English-language skills. While the program maintains that “standard American English” is a myth, staff members understand that many people lack confidence in their English skills due to academic and professional expectations. Anyone who is interested can call the Writing Center at 303-615-1888, email rideswc@gmail.com or stop by any Writing Center location.
Topics: Academics, Financial Aid, Student Success
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