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New name, new feature

Digital Measures has changed its name to Watermark Faculty Success and updated its software.

By Meredith Flynn, Ph.D.

October 18, 2021

A lecture in the AES building amphitheatre.Digital Measures – the ePortfolio that Metropolitan State University of Denver uses to collect, understand and report on faculty activities and accomplishments for annual reviews, tenure, promotion and sabbatical leave – has changed its name to Watermark Faculty Success. At MSU Denver, we’ll refer to the database as Watermark FS. The new name and logo now show up in the software. The University has been updating help materials to reflect the name change, but no workflows are changing and you’ll continue to access the software here, just as you always have.

In addition to the name change, Watermark made an update to the software that is intended to make data management easier. When you log in to the system and go to any of your activity screens, you will see some new options that give you more control over the view:

  • A new spreadsheet-style layout enables you to review your records to see what is there and verify the completeness of your information.
  • Sorting, filtering and search options help you pinpoint specific records.
  • The ability to change which columns display, and save those preferences from session to session, gives you the power to focus on the elements that matter most for what you’re doing at the moment.

This quick video gives a sense of how these tools work.

If you have any questions, please contact Meredith Flynn.

Topics: Academics

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