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The latest on Covid-19 and campus operations

Information on wellness resources, updated Covid-19 Dashboard numbers, booster shots and more.

By Larry Sampler, chief operating officer

October 14, 2021

Larry SamplerDear Roadrunners,

I’d like to begin this week’s article by sharing an important message from our colleagues from Undergraduate Studies and the Dean of Students Office: 

Although we probably all suspected that the fall semester would not be a “return to normal”, it could be assumed that none of us expected it to be as difficult as it is. Many of us are experiencing heightened stress, workloads that feel overwhelming and a general sense of having “hit a wall” much earlier than usual in the semester. It’s our hope that by recognizing this exhaustion and noting that it is a shared feeling across campus, we can get through it together. We can share a smile (even if it is covered by a mask) and practice grace when something doesn’t go quite as it should. 

The Metropolitan State University of Denver Department of Human Resources can be a conduit to connecting you to valuable resources through the Colorado State Employee Assistance Program (CSEAP). If you are looking for support around mental health, counseling, mediating workplace issues, utilizing manager/supervisor consultations or connecting with other community-based resources this could be a great option. Know that you are not alone and there are teams of people that want to see you thrive as a member of the Roadrunner community. 

Covid-19 dashboard  

I would also like to remind anyone interested to check out the University’s Covid-19 Dashboard. As of Monday, the University recorded eight positive cases in the previous week, putting our positivity rate at 0.7% compared with 4.9% across the City and County of Denver. I am proud to report that we continue to maintain zero instances of on-campus transmission. That said, vaccines remain the most effective way to protect ourselves and others from Covid-19, and we continue to encourage all Roadrunners to become fully vaccinated.  

Booster information 

Covid-19 booster shots and accompanying flu shots are now available on campus for all eligible employees who received both doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine more than six months ago. Stay tuned for more information on Moderna booster shots soon. 

As a reminder, appointments are required for the vaccine booster and must be scheduled in advance online at The boosters will be administered in the Plaza Building, Room 111, Mondays through Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Fridays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 

Flu shots 

As a reminder, due to the limited supply of flu shots received and ongoing Covid-19 vaccine and booster-shot distribution, flu shots will be administered only in tandem with a Covid-19 vaccine or booster. For individuals who want a flu shot without receiving a Covid-19 vaccine or booster shot, and for those who have not yet met the six-month threshold for booster-shot eligibility, flu shots can be obtained at the MSU Denver Wellness Fair on Oct. 29 (more details to come) or at a community pharmacy, grocery-store pharmacy or other provider. 

Stay home if you are sick 

Again, if you are feeling sick in any way, shape or form, do not dismiss your symptoms as allergies, a cold, etc. Instead, take an abundance of precaution and do not come to campus (unless it is to get tested for Covid-19). That will mean being flexible with one another as accommodations may have to be made.  

As always, please check out the Safe Return Faculty Staff Guide, including guidelines around student mask noncompliance. For any questions not addressed on the website, please contact Be sure to attend next week’s President’s Cabinet to hear more updates. 

Thank you again for your hard work in supporting our safe return to campus.    


Larry Sampler    
Vice president for Administration, Finance and Facilities and chief operating officer  

Topics: Administration, Health, Safety

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