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New guidelines concerning pregnancies

Procedures clarify accommodations for students who are pregnant, post-partum or experiencing pregnancy-related complications, termination or loss.

By Braelin Pantel, Ph.D.

October 12, 2021

Access Center entrance.Metropolitan State University of Denver employees are asked to review new guidelines/procedures pertaining to accommodations for students who are pregnant; are experiencing pregnancy-related complications or pregnancy termination or loss; or who are post-partum.

It is important that pregnant/post-partum students are aware of how to seek accommodations from the Access Center for any medical needs associated with their pregnancy/post-partum period and how to work with the Office of Equal Opportunity to address any allegations of associated discrimination. Likewise, as noted in the procedure document, there is a separate process for employees seeking pregnancy/post-partum accommodations, and any inquiries related to employment should be directed to the Office of Human Resources.

Please note that these are procedures to clarify how the University’s Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Title IX Violations, and Retaliation applies to pregnant/post-partum students, rather than a new or separate policy.

University administrators also recognize that the procedures linked above are limiting in that they are designed to address only the medical-related accommodations of students who are pregnant or addressing a pregnancy-related outcome. These procedures do not comprehensively address the needs of students who are newly parenting but did not carry a baby (for example, fathers; mothers who were not pregnant; adoptive and/or foster parents; or others who are directly impacted by a new parenting relationship). These students, too, may need support and/or flexibility related to parenting responsibilities. With that in mind, if you are interested in joining a discussion to explore a more inclusive parental-leave policy for students, please contact Braelin Pantel, Ph.D., associate vice president/dean of students, to discuss.

Topics: Access, Community, Policy

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