Early Bird
Early Bird holiday hiatus
Look for the last issue of 2019 on Friday.
By Lindsey Coulter
December 9, 2019
In celebration of the holiday season, the Early Bird is taking a brief hiatus.
The Early Bird’s final edition of 2019 will run Friday with our final Photo of the Week of the year. The first edition of 2020 will hit faculty and staff inboxes Jan. 13. See the Human Resources holiday schedule for general vacation details, and remember Metropolitan State University of Denver will also close Dec. 23-24.
Over the hiatus, we’ll continue to develop articles and assist with communication needs for the spring semester. If you have a story idea or a tip for Kudos or Faculty Citings, please email earlybirdeditor@msudenver.edu.
Have a great week, a wonderful Commencement and a very happy holiday!