Early Bird
Why your Dec. 31 paycheck might be a little bigger
CHEIBA has approved a premium holiday for medical and dental insurance.
By Amanda Berry
November 4, 2019
The Board of Trustees for Metropolitan State University of Denver’s health-insurance program, the Colorado Higher Education Insurance Benefits Alliance Trust, has approved a premium holiday for medical and dental insurance for the first month of the 2020 plan year. Therefore, faculty and administrators participating in the MSU Denver Benefits Plan will not have any medical or dental premiums deducted from their Dec. 31 paycheck. Please note that vision, life insurance and other premiums will still be deducted.
Premium holidays are evaluated each year based on activity within the plan and financial status of the CHEIBA Trust; they are not automatic. Alliance members have been fortunate that the CHEIBA Trust has been able to grant a premium holiday for several years, but each year there is discussion about the plan’s ability to support any type of premium holiday. The good news is that our benefits plan is financially sound and able to support the premium holiday again this year.
If you have any questions regarding your benefits, please contact Amanda Berry, benefits manager, at 303-605-5321 or aberry11@msudenver.edu.
Topics: Benefits
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