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Seeking outstanding graduate stories

Help us recognize students who illustrate MSU Denver’s transformative impact.

By Tim Carroll

November 25, 2019

Students in graduation attire at Commencement.Commencement is rapidly approaching, and it’s time to recognize graduating students for their years of hard work and dedication. The Strategy, Marketing and Communications Department asks for your help in telling the Metropolitan State University of Denver story.

Do you know of a graduating student who illustrates the transformative impact of MSU Denver? We would love to share their story internally and externally, including a targeted push to the news media.

Email Director of Media Relations Tim Carroll at or call 5-5562 ASAP but preferably no later than Dec. 2 with the following information:

  • Student’s name
  • Student’s major
  • Brief explanation of the student’s human-interest story or achievements
  • Student’s contact information (i.e., phone number, email)

Thank you in advance for helping us tell the MSU Denver story and for all you do to support our students in their journey to success.

Topics: Commencement, Student Success

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