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The search for MSU Denver’s next provost

Faculty, staff, administrators and students are invited to share their feedback, ideas and suggestions.

By Lindsey Coulter

September 18, 2019

MSU Denver signBefore Metropolitan State University of Denver begins its official search for a new provost, the search committee is inviting all members of the University community to join the conversation. The committee is hosting town-hall meetings — open to all faculty, staff, administrators and students — to generate ideas and provide space for suggestions and feedback.

Sept. 24, 1-2 p.m.

Sept. 25, 1-2 p.m.

Both sessions will take places in the Center for Advanced Visualization and Experiential Analysis, JSSB 420

Please RSVP.

Please contact Matt Makley, Ph.D., professor, history, and chair of the search committee, with questions.

Topics: Events, Hiring

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