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Faculty Citings

An overview of recent MSU Denver faculty publications and presentations.

By Lindsey Coulter

June 3, 2019

Student sitting between library stacks reading a book.Metropolitan State University of Denver faculty members publish research in some of the world’s most prestigious academic journals and share their knowledge at conferences across the globe.

Here’s an overview of their recent work, including a few student citations:


Craig Svonkin, Ph.D., associate professor, English

Essay and publication editing

“Introduction: The Metafamily”

Co-authored with Steven Gould Axelrod, Ph.D., distinguished professor, English, University of California, Riverside

Published in a special issue of Pacific Coast Philology, official journal of the Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association, Volume 53, Issue No. 2, 2018.


Sally Baalbaki-Yassine, Ph.D., associate professor, Marketing

Mick Jackowski, Ph.D., associate professor, Center for Professional Selling

April Schofield, instructor, Marketing; associate director, Center for Professional Selling

Scott Sherwood, director, Center for Professional Selling


“The Importance of Social Selling & the Development of a Social Selling Class”

Published in Journal of Selling, a special issue on the sales-leadership-development research gap.

Accepted February 2019, forthcoming.


Yun Kyung (Jacob) Cho, assistant professor, Management


Connecting Strategies to Resources: Scale Development of a Resource Bundle for Internet Retailing” 

Journal of Internet Commerce


Douglas Mpondi, Ph.D., associate professor and chair, Africana Studies

Co-authored with Tavengwa Gwekwerere, Ph.D., assistant professor, Pan-African Studies, California State University Los Angeles; Davie E. Mutasa, professor, African Languages, University of South Africa Pretoria; and Believe Mubonderi, lecturer, Catholic University of Zimbabwe


Patriotic narratives on national leadership in Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) and Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) song texts, ca 2000–2017

South African Journal of African Languages, Volume 39, Issue No. 1, 2019.


AnnJanette Alejano-Steele, Ph.D.,


Co-authored with Kristen Foot, Ph.D., professor, Communication, University of Washington; and Helen Sworn, director, Chab Dai International.

Structures and Practices of Cross-Sector Engagement in Counter-Human Trafficking Coalitions in the Global South

Cosmopolitan Civil Societies: an Interdisciplinary Journal, Volume 11, Issue No. 1, 2019.


Book chapters

Chapter 6: Psychological Treatment

Co-authored with Katherine Miller, victim services coordinator, Phoenix Center; affiliate professor, Gender Institute for Teaching and Advocacy.

Chapter 11: Comprehensive Coordination of Multi-Agency Coalitions

Co-authored with Amanda Finger, executive director and co-founder, Laboratory to Combat Human Trafficking; and Mary Landerholm, leadership and engagement manager, Laboratory to Combat Human Trafficking.

“Working With the Human Trafficking Survivor: What Counselors, Psychologists, Social Workers and Medical Professionals Need to Know”


Amy E. Eckert, Ph.D., professor, Political Science


Ethics of War and Peace Conference

Villanova University


Paper presentations

“Is There a Just War Tradition?”

International Studies Association meeting, Toronto, March 27, and Midwest Political Science Association meeting, Chicago, April 5.


Andrew J. Bonham, Ph.D., associate professor and chair, Chemistry and Biochemistry

Marcos Maldonado, student, Biology


Co-authored with: Brisa Peña, Ph.D., instructor, Cardiology, University of Colorado Denver; Brian A. Aguado, Ph.D., postdoctoral fellow, University of Colorado Boulder; Antonio Dominguez-Alfaro, doctoral candidate, Institute for Polymer Materials of the University of the Basque Country and the Basque Center for Macromolecular Design and Engineering; Melissa Ronni Laughter, Ph.D., Bioengineering, University of Colorado Denver; Teisha J. Rowland, Ph.D., director, University of Colorado Boulder Stem Cell Research and Technology Resource Center; James R. Bardill, University of Colorado Denver; Nikki Farnsworth, Ph.D., research instructor, Benninger Research Lab, University of Colorado Denver; Nuria Alegret Ramon, Ph.D., postdoctoral fellow, Cardiology, University of Colorado Denver; Matthew R.G. Taylor, M.D., professor, Cardiology, University of Colorado University Hospital; Kristi S. Anseth, Ph.D., associate professor, Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder; Maurizio Prato, Ph.D., professor, Organic Chemistry, Università di Trieste; Robin Shandas, Ph.D., professor and chair, Bioengineering, University of Colorado Denver; Timothy A. McKinsey, Ph.D., School of Medicine, Division of Cardiology, University of Colorado Denver; Daewon Park, Ph.D., associate professor, Bioengineering, University of Colorado Denver; and Luisa Mestroni, M.D., professor, Cardiology, University of Colorado Denver.

A Gold Nanoparticle Functionalized Reverse Thermal Gel for Tissue Engineering Applications

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Volume 11, Issue 21, May 2019.


Marcos Maldonado, student, Biology


Annual meeting of the American Society for Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Orlando, Florida, April 2019.

MSU Denver 2019 Undergraduate Research Conference


Sarah Heath, student, Political Science

Faculty Advisor: Amy Eckert, Ph.D., professor, Political Science

Paper presentation

“Libertas Post Bellum: America, Haiti and Just Revolutions”

Midwest Political Science Association meeting, Chicago, April 5.


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