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VP of Diversity and Inclusion candidates to visit campus

MSU Denver faculty, staff and students are encouraged to attend forums June 25-28.

By Shawn Worthy

June 13, 2019

 Students walking across Auraria Campus in summertime.After an intensive nationwide search for Metropolitan State University of Denver’s next vice president of Diversity and Inclusion, the search committee and President Janine Davidson, Ph.D., have invited four candidates to interview on campus. The candidates offer broad and unique employment and educational experiences. Faculty, staff and students are strongly encouraged to attend their respective open forums during the candidates’ visit:

June 25 – Jobi Martinez, Ph.D.

President’s Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion Postdoctoral Fellow, visiting special assistant

University of Houston-Downtown

June 26 – Dennis L. Rudnick, Ph.D.

Associate director of Multicultural Education and Research

Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis

June 27 – Fernando R. Guzman, Ph.D.

Assistant dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusive Excellence

University of Colorado, Boulder Law School

June 28 – Michael Benitez Jr., Ph.D.

Chief diversity officer, dean of Diversity and Inclusion, and Title IX officer

University of Puget Sound

Student, faculty and staff feedback on the candidates will help inform the ultimate hiring decision. The following open-forum schedule will apply to each candidate visit:

10-11 a.m., SSB 440A – staff

2-3 p.m., SSB 237 (CMEI) – faculty and students

4-5 p.m., SSB 440A – community members

More information on each candidate will be available in the Early Bird the day before the candidate’s campus visit. Please stay tuned for more details, and contact Shawn Worthy, interim associate to the president for diversity, with any questions related to the process.

Topics: Community, Events, Hiring, Inclusive leadership

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