Early Bird
Understanding the undeclared
Student Enrollment Management data presentation Wednesday to focus on undecided majors.
By Allie Dirks and Mark Baccei
June 10, 2019
Should we be concerned about students with undeclared majors?
What do retention and graduation rates look like for declared vs. undeclared students?
Do their demographics or socio-economic statuses play a role?
Using institutional data and research, these questions will be answered at the next installment of the Student Enrollment Management Data Series. All employees are welcome to attend, and no RSVP is necessary.
2:30-3:30 p.m.
The monthly series offers insights on enrollment information and trends, and this month it features Sean Petranovich, Ph.D., lead data scientist in the Business Intelligence Unit. Petranovich dives into students classified as “Undeclared Majors” and provides a deeper understanding of their data and overall profile. The presentation will also shine a light on where undeclared students tend to transfer when they leave MSU Denver and look at the majors they declare at their new institutions.
Other key highlights:
- Understanding general academic and socio-economic metrics of students with undeclared majors.
- Understanding trends of undeclared students when not retained here.
- Understanding where undeclared students go as they transfer to other institutions.
To learn more about the Student Enrollment Management Data Series, please contact Mark A. Baccei, Ph.D., research analyst, Enrollment Management, or Allie Dirks, assistant to the associate vice president, Enrollment Management.
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