Early Bird
Get process-improvement tips from your peers
On June 12, learn how your fellow Roadrunners identify problems and create solutions.
By Lindsey Coulter
June 10, 2019
Three months ago, 14 employees representing 11 campus departments embarked on an “excellence” adventure: the inaugural Process Improvement Operational Excellence (OpEx) Training Institute developed by Sarah Buller, process-improvement specialist, and Jim Murphy, professor, Accounting.
On Wednesday, celebrate those motivated Roadrunners and learn how they are applying process-improvement tools to increase efficiency and improve workplace satisfaction.
CAVEA and JSSB 420
Refreshments at 9:30 a.m.
Presentation from 10 a.m.-noon
No RSVP necessary
Attendees will learn how participants applied components of process-improvement culture and Lean thinking to complete a process-improvement project. Presenters will also discuss problem-solving tools, team-building, group dynamics, facilitation techniques, change management and more. For details, contact Buller.
OpEx participants include:
Joanne Ammidown, budget/financial analyst, Office of Budget
John Bosick, office manager, University Advancement
Kate Burns, advisor, Management
Jonathan Colón, assistant to the registrar and special-projects manager, Registrar
Meagan Hodge Sagaser, budget and office manager, Strategy, Marketing and Communications
Matt Hooley, senior associate registrar, Curriculum and Systems
Haley Kline, initiatives manager, Office of Financial Aid
Jill Lange, academic-department coordinator, Journalism and Technical Communication
Amy Middleton, director, Social Work Student Services, Administration and Finance
Melissa Miller, records and registration coordinator, Registrar
Thomas Ragland, associate director for student conduct, Dean of Students
Amanda Ryder, associate director of Admissions – High School Outreach, Admissions
Kendra Stansbury, associate registrar of records and registration, Registrar
Emalie Whan-Traylor, special projects and office manager/assistant to the AVP, Dean of Students
Topics: Events
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