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You’re invited to the LibreTexts Open Meeting and Workshop

On May 29, learn how to locate, mix or create your own open course materials.

May 22, 2019

LibreTexts logo: open book surrounded by academic iconsMetropolitan State University of Denver faculty are invited to learn the possibilities of open material creation and discovery through the LibreTexts platform, a project that evolved out of the popular ChemWiki at the University of California at Davis.

On May 29, Delmar Larsen, Ph.D., founder of LibreTexts, will discuss barriers to Open Education Resource adoption, describe what LibreTexts offers to users and work with participants to build online textbooks and course materials. This will be a collaborative hands-on session with demonstrations of current capabilities including the LibreTexts ReMixer, which provides drag-and-drop OER construction.

Overview meeting and presentation: 1-2 p.m.
Workshop time for those who wish to explore creation: 2-4:30 p.m.
Auraria Library Collaborative Classroom 118
Those interested are encouraged to register in advance to gain access to LibreTexts.
Snacks and coffee will be provided.

LibreTexts is an OER environment under constant development by students, faculty and outside experts to supplant conventional copyright-bound learning materials. The project ensures that the “5 Rs of OER content design” (the ability to retain, reuse, revise, remix and redistribute materials) are fully capitalized to enable faculty to build course-specific materials to meet their individual teaching needs and the learning needs of their students. In addition to providing a repository of OER content, LibreTexts offers a construction platform for faculty to assemble interactive content for courses.

Please contact Emily Ragan, Ph.D., associate professor of chemistry, or Ellen Metter, researcher support librarian, Auraria Library, for more details.

Topics: Academics, Events

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