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MSU Denver to host Polis today

The governor will sign two financial-aid bills in the JSSB at 1 p.m.

By Lindsey Coulter

May 13, 2019

Rowdy with arms outspread in front of Jordan Student Success BuildingMetropolitan State University of Denver will host Gov. Jared Polis today as he signs two bills that will increase support and access for many Coloradans pursuing higher education.

All Roadrunners are invited to join Polis and University leaders today at 1 p.m. in the first-floor lobby of the Jordan Student Success Building for the signing of House Bill 19-1196 and House Bill 19-1187.

"We are excited to host Gov. Polis on campus for today’s signing,” said Tyler Mounsey, director of government affairs. “MSU Denver was a leader on the original legislation in 2013, and we were leader again on these bills that expand support for Colorado students. We invited the campus community to join us as we celebrate our accomplishments.”

HB 19-1196, “Financial Aid for Students With In-state Tuition”

Under current law, Colorado students lacking lawful immigration status can already qualify for in-state tuition, providing they meet specific requirements. This bill will make such students, including ASSET students, also eligible for certain Department of Higher Education financial-assistance programs.

HB 19-1187, “Increase Student Aid Application Completion Rates”

During the 2015-16 academic year, approximately $50 million in federal dollars went unclaimed because Colorado students did not complete or submit a FAFSA. This bill aims to increase our state’s student-aid application rates by providing funding to the state Board of Education, which will then allocate funds to education providers to help low-income students and families complete and submit federal or state student-aid applications.

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